How long after a workers’ comp settlement do I get paid?

A workers’ compensation claim often results in a settlement, paid to you once it is approved. However, you may ask, “How long after workers’ comp settlement do I get paid?” Numerous factors play a role in this, but in general, you should receive compensation within 7 to 14 days of the agreement being reached. If…

Do I have to use sick time for workers’ comp?

When you are hurt in the scope of your employment, you can usually turn to the workers’ compensation insurance provided by your company. Unfortunately, some people try to rely on sick time or paid time off (PTO) alone. While PTO can be used when needed during this time, it can hurt your workers’ compensation claim…

Can I be fired for filing a workers’ compensation claim?

You may believe you have grounds for a workers’ compensation claim when you are injured at work, but the details may be difficult to navigate. Your workers’ compensation benefits can provide needed support as you navigate your recovery following a work accident. However, you may need help getting your compensation, including problems with your employer….

What is malingering?

Workers injured on the job typically collect workers’ compensation benefits to cover their medical costs and replace a portion of their wages as they are off work recovering. Sometimes, employers or insurance companies accuse injured workers of “malingering.” A Chicago workers’ compensation attorney from Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates can help if you have been accused…

What are the most common winter work injuries?

Snowy weather, wind gusts, and long-term freezes can put Chicago workers at risk of injury. Depending on the industry, workers experience winter hazards like ice-covered sidewalks, streets, roads, or below-freezing temperatures in different ways, but the weather can hurt any worker. If winter work injuries disrupt your life, contact a Chicago workers’ compensation attorney from…

How long can you be on workers’ comp?

You are struggling to recover from your work-related injury, and you are just unsure if the money you are receiving now will run out. How long can you be on workers’ comp? While several factors play a role in this, it is important to consider meeting with our legal team to discuss your case now….

What is maximum medical improvement? What does it mean for my case?

Maximum medical improvement (MMI) means an individual has reached a point when further recovery or a positive progression in health is no longer expected. This determination can be significant in workers’ compensation benefits moving forward. Receiving fair compensation from workers’ compensation insurance companies can be challenging, leading to a lapse in treatment and inadequate care….

Workers’ comp vs. personal injury: What’s the difference?

Being injured at work means you need to get better quickly to return to your job, and you need financial relief from your medical bills. You have different options for seeking this compensation depending on how you were hurt and who is at fault. Workers’ compensation insurance provides payments for your recovery. However, when a…

Can I get disability after workers’ compensation settlement?

If you’ve been injured at work, you may wonder if you can get disability after workers’ compensation settlement. The two programs are separate and distinct, and a workers’ compensation settlement may affect the amount of money you’re eligible for through SSDI. Continue reading to learn more, then contact Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates for personalized assistance…

Should I work with the workers’ comp nurse case manager?

The attorneys with Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates get this question a lot when representing clients in workers’ compensation cases. Many of our clients are annoyed, and even intimidated when they realize there’s a workers’ comp nurse case manager speaking with their doctor. However, many don’t realize they have control over the situation. What is a…