How Should You Choose a Lawyer?

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury at work, or due to the actions of a person, firm or corporation, Illinois law requires that their insurance compensates you.  Sadly, this way of thinking has gone astray as insurance companies save money by delaying and underpaying claims. In addition, insurance companies have…

What kinds of traumatic brain injury work accommodations can I ask from my employer?

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you may request traumatic brain injury work accommodations from your employer. If your employer chooses not to provide you with these accommodations, you may want to take legal action. At this point, it may be beneficial to consult with a Chicago brain injury lawyer who can…

How do doctors test for brain injury?

Doctors may use a medical exam, neurological testing, and imaging assessments to look for a brain injury. A Chicago brain injury lawyer can teach you about these tests. If you are dealing with an injury to the brain caused by someone else, your attorney may help you seek damages from any at-fault parties. If you’re…

What should I do after being injured?

Protecting your health and safety is critical following an accident or other incident that causes you harm. Knowing what you should do after being injured is important for victims, as injuries come with a range of physical, financial, and emotional consequences. The Chicago personal injury attorneys at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates can help you pursue…

What can I do if insurance denies my claim?

Facing a denied insurance claim after a personal injury can be frustrating. You’re already dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial toll of your injury, and now you’re faced with the added stress of navigating the insurance claims process. A Chicago personal injury attorney from Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates can answer your questions and help…

Can I sue for an old injury?

Illinois residents who sustain an injury because of another party’s negligence can sue that party, potentially collecting compensation for the damages sustained from the injury and its consequences. The Chicago personal injury attorneys from Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates have helped many injury victims pursue that compensation. Sometimes, clients ask, “Can I sue for an old…

Personal injury and social media: How might social media affect my case?

The information you share on social media tells a story about your life and health that can be used to influence the outcome of a personal injury case. Setting an account to the strictest privacy settings is of little use to keep posts from impacting a claim’s result. A Chicago personal injury attorney at Horwitz,…

How can I save money on legal fees?

When you face a potentially expensive legal claim, how to save money on legal fees may be at the forefront of your mind. It can be costly to recover from an injury and daunting to add those fees to your expenses. You need experienced guidance without overpaying when possible. Our Chicago personal injury attorneys with…

How long do personal injury cases take to settle?

You may consider filing a personal injury claim after being hurt by someone else’s negligence. Your first option may be to initiate an insurance claim, but if this doesn’t yield a satisfactory settlement, you may need to proceed to legal action. Untangling the details of a case can be challenging, and you may be unsure…

What if I can’t afford a lawyer?

Facing a personal injury claim can be overwhelming. You may worry, “What if I can’t afford a lawyer?” At Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates, we believe everyone deserves access to justice, regardless of their financial situation. If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by someone’s negligence, a Chicago personal injury attorney from Horwitz, Horwitz &…