Elder Abuse: Pneumonia, A Severe Risk To Nursing Home Residents

  Elder Care Neglect Pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs.1 The air sacs may fill with fluid, causing severe coughs, fever, chills and difficulty breathing.1  The infection may be bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic.  Pneumonia can range from mild and curable to life-threatening. Frequent bed turning helps prevent…

Elder Care: Heart Procedure to Prevent Stroke May Be An Alternative to Medication

  Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Catheter Ablation A heart procedure, named a catheter ablation procedure, may be an effective alternative for treating atrial fibrillation, the leading cause of strokes in the U.S.  Generally, the procedure has been considered secondary to medication; however, recent findings indicate the procedure may be more effective than medication.

Study Indicates Improvements in Mental Capacities of Elderly

  Mental Capacity Retention in Elderly Mental Capacity Study A recent study that compared a group of elders born 15 years apart revealed that elders might be retaining their mental capacity, despite old age.

Taste of Chicago Turns Sour for Two

  Chicago Accident: Taste of Chicago ATV Accident According to a recent article by Carlos Sadovi of the Chicago Tribune, the Taste of Chicago was not festal for two attendees. Two adults were struck by an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) used to collect garbage at the festival. The driver who was operating the vehicle under a…

Horwitz WIns Highest Verdict in Illinois History and 2nd Highest Verdict in U.S. History

  Largest Personal Injury Jury Verdict in Illinois History Personal Injury Attorneys Win For Ironworker Horwitz, Horwitz and Associates, Ltd. (after five years of fighting AIG insurance and the “defense lawyer of the year”) obtained what was the largest personal injury individual jury verdict in Illinois history; $64 million dollars. Only one jury verdict for an…

Workers’ Compensation "Reform"

  Workers’ Compensation in Jeopardy Workers’ Compensation law is under attack. False claims of “rampant fraud” are being used as a Trojan Horse to sneak in “reforms” that would eliminate significant workers’ rights. It is essential that we join together to fight for and protect the Workers’ Compensation Act. Illinois workers fought long and hard…

Changes in Workers’ Compensation Law Affects Your Rights

  Changes to Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act On June 28, 2011, Governor Quinn signed into law Public Act 94-0018, which made a number of significant changes to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act that will affects the rights of injured workers across Illinois in a number of ways. This article is meant to provide you with…

Medical Device Makers Immunized from Lawsuit by Persons They Exploit

Medical Device Makers Regulation It’s interesting to note the number of federal agency insiders stepping up to the plate during these final Bush hours, all wanting to spill the beans to President-Elect Obama about the corruption and mismanagement found within their agencies under the Bush Administration. For some, their actions would be gallant, heroic even,…